Rohypnol 1mg


Rohypnol 1mg, better known as Roofies, is a Benzodiazepine that was first made in 1975 by Hoffman-La Roche. It was developed as a treatment for sleep disorders and as anesthesia for surgeries.

Name: Rohypnol

Generic name: Flunitrazepam

Strength: 1mg

Quantity PriceTotalQuantity
90 Tablets $160.68 $160.68
150 Tablets $241.02 $241.02
300 Tablets $435.18 $435.18
600 Tablets $776.62 $776.62
SKU: N/A Category:


What is Rohypnol 1mg used for?

Rohypnol 1mg is used in the short-term treatment of insomnia, as a pre-medication in surgical procedures and for inducing anaesthesia.

Rohypnol 1mg, better known as Roofies, is a Benzodiazepine that was first made in 1975 by Hoffman-La Roche. It was developed as a treatment for sleep disorders and as anesthesia for surgeries.

Effects of Rohypnol 1mg

Rohypnol, as it was originally intended, tranquilizes the user. This can help them battle symptoms of insomnia or put them under for surgery in low doses. Rohypnol is similar in effect to Valium. The difference being is that Flunitrazepam, the generic name for Rohypnol, is 10 times more potent than Diazepam, the generic name for Valium. These general effects include:

  • Sedation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Reduction in anxiety
  • Prevention of convulsions.

When Rohypnol is taken in higher doses, people may experience more severe side effects. This can result in loss of muscle control, anterograde and retrograde amnesia, lowered inhibitions, and falling unconscious. These effects can also come about in smaller doses if someone mixes the Benzo with alcohol.

The combination of alcohol and Rohypnol 1mg (Flunitrazepam) is particularly hazardous; together, their effects on memory and judgment are greater than those experienced when taking one alone. It is commonly reported that people who become intoxicated on a combination of alcohol and Rohypnol have “blackouts” lasting 8 to 24 hours following ingestion. Losing social inhibitions is another widely reported effect of Rohypnol when taken alone or in combination with alcohol.You can also know more about our Adderall.

Signs of Use

The following signs may indicate that you’ve been given Rohypnol 1mg (“roofied”):

  • Feeling drunk without having drunk large amounts (or any) alcohol
  • Feeling confused or disoriented
  • Not remembering how you got to a location
  • Waking up feeling confused or hungover
  • Not having any memory after having a drink

If your friend or loved one has taken Rohypnol (knowingly or unknowingly), you may notice the following:

  • Reduced inhibitions or ability to make a decision11
  • Exaggerated intoxication
  • Aggressive or excited behavior
  • Confusion or sleepiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Increased or decreased reaction tim

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90 Tablets, 150 Tablets, 300 Tablets, 600 Tablets


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